High Level Coaching At Low Level Pricing.

Unlock expert coaching at a friendly price with 'Project New You'. Dive into a world where top-notch guidance meets affordability. Don't wait to transform—your journey to a better you starts with a simple click. Grab this chance now!"

I'm Ready



Get ready for something special – your very own habit coach! This is about having someone in your corner who's all in on helping you hit your goals. They'll be right there with you, crafting a plan that fits just right and cheering you on every step of the way. It's not just support; it's like having a friend who's got all the know-how to guide you to where you want to be. Together, you'll make those dreams a reality. Let's do this

Step into a place where every win, big or small, gets a round of applause. It's about being part of a community that's all about cheering each other on. Every step forward you take, we're here celebrating with you. It's not just about reaching your goals; it's about enjoying the journey with folks who get it and get you. Here, every victory is a big deal. Welcome to where you belong!



Say goodbye to cookie-cutter plans that don’t quite fit. We’re all about embracing what makes you, well, you! Get ready for a strategy that’s as unique as your fingerprint, tailored just for your journey. It’s time to celebrate your individuality with a plan that’s crafted to highlight your strengths and support your goals. Here’s to a path that’s as one-of-a-kind as you are

Dive into a treasure trove of wellness resources that just keeps getting bigger and better. From dynamic programs and engaging challenges to in-depth courses, we've got it all. And the best part? If you can't find exactly what you're looking for, we'll roll up our sleeves and create it just for you. It's your all-access pass to everything you need for your wellness journey, tailored to fit your desires. Welcome to a world where your wellness tools evolve with you!




We don't offer one-size-fits-all strategies promising specific outcomes within set timeframes. After all, how could we possibly do that without having met you?

To suggest such a thing would be to imply you're no different from anyone else.

Instead, what we offer is a mentorship dedicated to assisting you, especially through those hectic and challenging times, without demanding an undue commitment from you.

Our coaching is tailored to fit around you and your lifestyle, eschewing inflexible schedules in favour of providing the support you need, precisely when you need it most.

Consider this perspective: spending a year with us is more cost-effective than a mere 12 weeks with your typical personal trainer.

This is a mentorship.

Grab This No-Brainer Offer

Ever paused to wonder what happens if you keep putting off investing in yourself? It's a road many of us have wandered down, thinking there's always tomorrow. But here's the thing – every day delayed is a day less of living your best life. With 'Project New You', we're not just talking about temporary fixes or fleeting successes. We're offering a transformation that sticks, and the beauty of it? You're in complete control.

Sure, you might find another programme out there that promises quick results. You might even shed the weight, but then what? Will history repeat itself as you find those pounds creeping back, uninvited? It's a common tale, but it doesn't have to be yours.

Here's the kicker – our coaching mentorship is so cost-effective that spending a year with us is still more affordable than a typical PT for just 12 weeks. But it's not just about the money. In one year with us, you're not just changing your waistline; you're transforming your life. Why? Because you're not just working with PTs. You're in the hands of habit coaches specialised in the science of habit formation and change.

And just to be crystal clear, you're not tied down with us for a year. You have the freedom to cancel ANYTIME. Plus, we're so confident in the value we bring, we offer a money-back guarantee. If within the first 14 days you feel we're not the right fit for you, you'll get your money back, no questions asked. There's NO RISK whatsoever on your part. You either find so much value that you'll want to stay, or you decide it's not for you and get your money back. It's a win-win for you.

Why risk falling into the same old cycle when you have the opportunity to break free? 'Project New You' isn't just an investment in your physical health; it's a commitment to your lifelong wellbeing. The question isn't just about what you stand to gain but also what you risk losing by not taking this step.

Don't let another day slip by wishing for change. Make today the day you decide to invest in a future where you're not just surviving, but thriving. With 'Project New You', your journey towards lasting transformation is just beginning. Are you ready to make the leap?

My life is to busy to commit.

Life's spinning at full speed, and adding anything new might seem daunting. You're juggling work, family, and precious little personal time. The thought of incorporating coaching into your already packed schedule? It feels like an impossible task. This constant race against the clock leaves you drained, with your aspirations simmering on the back burner.

The Lifeline in Your Daily Grind

But what if there was a solution tailored just for you? Our coaching offers a lifeline amidst the chaos. Designed to fit seamlessly into your hectic life, it's here to help you overcome those seemingly insurmountable barriers. Imagine achieving the growth you've been longing for, without the added stress of carving out extra time from your already full day.

Tailored to Fit Your Schedule.

Our approach recognises the value of your time and the breadth of your commitments. We offer a coaching experience that moulds to your schedule, providing personalised support exactly when you need it. This is about turning 'I'm too busy' into 'I can manage this', empowering you to tackle your goals with confidence, no matter how packed your days are.

Break the Cycle!

It's time to break free from the cycle of postponement and frustration. If you've felt the sting of missed opportunities due to a lack of time, our coaching is for you. You're not just finding a way to fit coaching into your life; you're unlocking a partnership that propels you towards your aspirations, efficiently and effectively.

Say 'Yes' to Transformation!

Choosing our coaching means you're ready to transform your 'too busy' into a thriving journey towards success. Let's make it happen, together, one adaptable step at a time. Say 'yes' to making your goals achievable, without the overwhelm.


£60 A Month

I'm Ready
  • You own personal habit coach
  • Access to our private community
  • Customised plans
  • Access to all our resources.
  • Weekly live Q&A
  • Daily text support
  • Regular check-ins from your coach.
  • Onboarding goal setting call.
  • Cancel anytime

What Some Say About Us

Steveo is absolutely incredible. I’ve always been looking to change my bad habits/lifestyle for many years without success, that is untilI signed up with Steveo!! Meeting him and following his advice has been transformational for me. I actually feel like I have rewound the clock. I am stronger than I’ve ever been, fitter than I’ve ever been and for the first time in my whole life I am losing considerable amounts of weight through making healthy choices because of the skills I have learnt from Steveo. He really does need to be cloned so that others can benefit from him. He is an amazing coach who has helped me make astonishing, long lasting changes in my life .

Sally Luckes

I always value the fact this program keeps me honest and focused on my goals. I love the way I am supported, I appreciate the understanding and being kept accountable for my progress. I never feel alone and I really love the energy

Frances Mancktelow

I believe the ONLY person that can change is YOU, but we need support Along the way and I believe its people like Steveo that can make this happen trust him, be patient ( shit dont happen over night)

Paul Howe

I’m very happy with the coaching I receive, I feel you are genuinely interested in every one of your clients

Deb Storey

I had a target for 6 months. I've almost met that in half the time, but what I have enjoyed the most is the understanding of how and why. the honesty about how I'm feeling about things along the way. I've enjoyed celebrations and all those things life throws at you, but I've had support and understanding all the way through. I make better choices and in a way they're now more consistent and routine, which helps when you have a bad day!

Becci Horne-Smith